Category Archives: Reviews

A Pledge to Review


Bouquet of Books by cellar_door_films, via Pinterest & Flickr

It’s often said that the best thing we can do for authors we like/love/ admire/appreciate, is to write them a nice review, maybe send them an email, or even a tweet. And that’s exactly what I want to do this year. I want to be more grateful for the books I read, and I want to show it.  We writers know the amount of time, effort, devotion, and even heartache that go into writing these books, and everything that follows. Because of this, I want to say thank you in a small way.

It’s the start of a new year, and I think it’s the best time to start new habits. For me, that habit will be writing a review for all the books I read. I just went through our goals post, and I’m surprised that I didn’t mention it there.

I’m going to take a wild guess and say that quite a few of you don’t have the time to write reviews, right? I don’t have time either, but I’m going to make it. If I can tweet, I can review. If I can spend fifteen minutes to half an hour going through my Google Reader, I can definitely spare five minutes to write a short paragraph or two consisting of my thoughts and feelings about the book I just finished.

And that’s all I’ll be doing. I’ll be ignoring my Twitter and my Reader, my emails and my blog, and I’ll write a short review. Because I want to do my part. I want to let the author know that I enjoyed their hard work and that I appreciate the time they put into it. It doesn’t have to be a 1 000 word in-depth analysis of the plot, setting, characters etc. It will probably be four or five gushing sentences about what made the book really worth reading. I like focusing on the good things, especially since I’m a writer.

I’m going to do that on Goodreads. From Heather’s post, What’s So Good About Goodreads Anyway Part 1: Using Goodreads as a Reader, you guys know that we’re fans of Goodreads and everything it offers. I probably would have copied my review to Amazon if I could, but with it being such an issues for me, I can’t see that happening soon. Still, I’ll be doing my part.

I would like you to consider doing the same, even if it’s just a sentence or two. Tell others why you liked what you read, and encourage them to read as well. I’m finish a book tonight. By tomorrow I’ll have my thoughts posted on Goodreads.


Posted by on January 9, 2013 in Book Reviews, Reading, Reviews


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